Digital resistance box: An approach to generate desired value of resistance by automatically varying the potentiometer
Published in 2016 IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2016
Resistor combinations are being frequently used by scientists and researchers to get the desired value of resistance. In literature; this is achieved either by connecting the resistors in various combinations or by manual tuning of potentiometers; which is quite tedious. Moreover; resistance value is compromised with another close available value most of the time. In the present work; an attempt is done to design a digital resistance box that provides the desired value of resistance by simply entering the value through a digital keypad. In the presented approach; a microcontroller is used to control the servo motor; on which the potentiometer is mounted. The resistance of the potentiometer get varied by servo motor; which is controlled by a microcontroller. The microcontroller is programmed to control the servo motor using binary search computational algorithm. Experimental results represent the efficacy of the proposed approach to generate the desired value of resistance.
Recommended citation: N. Rathee, A. Gupta, S. Singh, R. Devasia, and A. Bansal, “Digital resistance box: An approach to generate desired value of resistance by automatically varying the potentiometer,” in 2016 IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), pp. 1–4, IEEE, 2016.
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